Industry Insights, Agent Resources, and Team Success Stories - Your Path to Real Estate Excellence.
Cloud-Based Real Estate Brokerage vs Local Brokerage
Youve taken a huge leap and achieved something incredible! You now carry the title of Real Estate Agent. But where do you go from here?…
What Does It Take To Be A Top-Producing Real Estate …
Are you a top-producing real estate agent that is looking to take your business to the next level? If so, then this blog post is…
PREMIERE - The Fastest Growing Mega ICON Team in the …
We continue being the fastest-growing Mega ICON Team in the country! In just a few short years, we have become one of the business's most…
Veteran real estate agent and experienced investor bring their talented …
When experienced agent Tracy Gagne and long-time investor John Glynn joined forces to form The Agent Shoppe, it was with a vision to provide the…
Connect with the most progressive and groundbreaking team model in …
PREMIERE Group of eXp Realty is a game-changing, powerhouse real estate firm founded by David Keener. For 25 years, Keener has been a successful investor,…