We Help Real Estate Agents Earn More, Live More, Be More

Future proof your real estate career

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Our Agents Make More Money!

Unmatched Services, Support, and Financial Opportunities.

Lucrative Splits

Lucrative Splits

Our agents share a 50/50 commission split on the first $1.25M in sales. Once that sales goal is achieved, an agent becomes a “partner” and shares a 65/35 split. With partnership comes dividends exclusive to PREMIERE.

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Revenue Sharing

Revenue Sharing

When you recruit new agents to PREMIERE and those agents begin their own journey to success, you as the upline agent share a percentage of revenue from your recruits’ closings. Having multiple streams of revenue helps you achieve financial independence.

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Profit Sharing

Profit Sharing

Once an agent promotes a partner and maintains a consistent schedule of closings, partners become eligible to participate in profit sharing, creating an additional revenue stream.

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Stock Options

Stock Options

Successful agents earn the opportunity to invest in a part of eXp. Stock options are available at a 10% discount so that agents can grow their wealth along with their business.

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Lucrative Splits

All of our agents share a 75/25 commission split. An agent is considered an "associate" until their first 6 closed transactions. Once that sales goal is achieved, an agent becomes a “partner”. With partnership comes dividends exclusive to PREMIERE.

Revenue Sharing

Team Revenue Sharing

When you recruit new agents to PREMIERE and those agents begin their own journey to success, you as the upline agent share a percentage of revenue from your recruits’ closings. Having multiple streams of revenue helps you achieve financial independence.

Stock Options

Stock Options

Successful agents earn the opportunity to invest in a part of eXp. Stock options are available at a 10% discount so that agents can grow their wealth along with their business.

Money for Leads

A percentage of our split goes BACK TO AGENT for lead generation/marketing/events to build the AGENT'S BRAND & BUSINESS.

A percentage of our split goes BACK TO AGENT for lead generation/marketing/events to build the AGENT'S BRAND & BUSINESS.

Transaction Coordination is a vital component in real estate contracts. While some real estate groups charge a $250-$350 fee per transaction, the transaction coordination services are free of charge at PREMIERE, potentially saving our agents thousands of dollars.

Technology has completely changed the way potential clients search for properties and the way agents promote real estate. At PREMIERE, we take pride in providing cutting edge technology for marketing so that our agents can convert leads to clients.

At PREMIERE you are not just an agent ... you are a business owner and a team member of a business group. Your success is our success, and there is always someone available to assist you -- in person, by phone or on-line -- at no additional cost to you.

PREMIERE provides coaching to new agents as well as weekly team meetings. With our technology tools, we will guide you in automating your day-to-day planning and business goals at no additional cost. Your time is your most valuable asset, and we will teach you to use it wisely.

Advanced technology tools and an ever-evolving business model requires regular training so that agents can stay up-to-date. At PREMIERE, we provide FREE access to 60+ hours of training every week so that you can fit training into your personal schedule.

Not sure where to start? Contact us and we’ll help you!

Our Agents KEEP More Money

Brokerage Services

  • Access to agent success program (AVG 10% of income)
  • Money towards leads (AVG $250 per closed transaction)
  • Transaction cordination services (AVG $250-$350 / transaction)
  • Advanced CRM technology (Typically Included)
  • One-on-one marketing strategies & support (AVG 10% of income)
  • One-on-one business coaching / mentoring (Up to $1600 per year)

Most Brokerages

Most BrokeragesPremiere
Access to agent success program(AVG 10% of income)
Money towards leads(AVG $250 per closed transaction)
Transaction cordination services(AVG $250-$350 / transaction)
Advanced CRM technology(Typically Included)
One-on-one marketing strategies & support(AVG 10% of income)
One-on-one business coaching / mentoring(Up to $1600 per year)

Estimated Gross Commission: $

Our Full Service Flat Fee: $

3% Buyer Agent's Fee: $

Your Savings: $

Assumptions: 20 Deals at $200k and a 3% Commission.

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What our agents are saying

"PREMIERE Group offers things no other group can: free leads, transaction management, support, a group to help you cover (for vacations, illness, too busy, etc.), the best technology, the best training, and a terrific atmosphere. Plus better than 50/50 splits and an opportunity to become a partner."

Scott Linderer

Partner, REALTOR®

"The benefits at PREMIERE are amazing … leads, profit sharing, commission splits, free coaching, free transaction help, and a reduced CAP fee. My deciding factor was the feeling of knowing I would be a part of a team that would help me be successful."

Teresa Davis

Partner, REALTOR®

"When I joined PREMIERE, I learned more in two months than I had in the previous year with a different brokerage, and I had more activity than in the previous ten months! Best of all, I just listed my first $1.8M property, and PREMIERE was there to help me the entire way. Best decision I made in real estate so far was joining this organization."

Hayworth Lemonds

Partner, REALTOR®

"I chose PREMIERE because of the flexibility to build a real estate career around my ever fluctuating time constraints. I wanted to start in real estate and be able to build into working full time. PREMIERE was one of the few options that not only supports a dual career, but also provides leads to help grow a sustainable business."

Michelle Nelson

Partner, REALTOR®

"Here at PREMIERE Group, we have so much support … we’re like a little family! As a new agent, I was attracted by what they had to offer: splits, technology, training, and of course, Dave’s personality! He is so genuine and is an awesome person to be partnered with. It’s amazing what I have learned."

Leah Pappas

Partner, REALTOR®

"I had always been a solo agent before joining PREMIERE and struggled with the lack of support. I was attracted to PREMIERE Group by the feeling of family that it provided … I feel like I have hit the lottery! I actually have leads to nurture and a support team and other agents behind me. It’s a win/win!"

Marnie Storm

Partner, REALTOR®

Your Story, Your Vision, Your Career Made Better With PREMIERE

Our mission is to provide a blueprint for success to agents looking to accelerate and advance their careers and financial goals in real estate.